Collaborative Partners
IDEAS Maker Program was created by a collaborative team of educators, youth, autism-support experts, informal STEM program developers, engineers, and researchers. The partner organizations and the current team members are shown below. However, many more people have contributed to this work than are listed here, and we are grateful for their contributions.
EDC is the primary administrator of the IDEAS project. Team members from EDC lead the co-design research and development process, provide professional development, and share information about this work.

Wendy Martin
Wendy Martin is principal investigator on the IDEAS project.

Dr. Ariana Riccio
Ariana Riccio is co-principal investigator on the IDEAS project.

Andrea Brothman
Andrea Brothman is a curriculum developer and professional development provider on IDEAS.

John Parris
John Parris is the IDEAS production manager.

Babette Moeller
Babette Moeller is a senior advisor on the IDEAS project.

Vanessa Perez Marquez
Vanessa Perez Marquez is a research and development assistant on IDEAS.
Team members from the ASD Nest Support Project at Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development at NYU provide expertise on autism support, conduct research, share findings, and facilitate connections with NYC Public Schools.
In previous years, team members from Tandon School of Engineering helped to design the original IDEAS Maker Program.

Kristie Patten
Kristie Patten is co-principal investigator on the IDEAS project.

Dora Onwumere
Dora Onwumere is a researcher and curriculum developer on IDEAS.

Kavitha Murthi
Kavitha Murthi is a researcher on this project.

Nana Serwaa Akrofi
Nana Serwaa Akrofi is a researcher on this project.
Team members from NYSCI provide expertise on designing informal STEM programs, collaborate on the development of the curriculum, provide professional development, and share information about the program.

Sylvia Perez
Sylvia Perez is co-principal investigator on the IDEAS project.

Sam Tumolo
Sam Tumolo is a curriculum developer and professional development provider on IDEAS.
We have worked closely with the Office of Special Programs in NYC Public Schools to share information about this project. We also have trained coaches from NYC Public Schools to provide training to teachers and occupational therapists so the program can be sustained.
We have collaborated with over 30 NYC Public Schools educators, who have engaged at various times in the co-design process during this seven-year project.